Maruba X Gus

Nascimento 19/01/2014 - 2 Fêmeas/3 Machos


Nome Significado Sexo Proprietário
Blue Chips RR  Kakau   F Adalberto Fischer
Blue Chips RR  Kinaya   F In-Coelum Perdigão
Blue Chips RR  King   M Gilberto Sayão
Blue Chips RR K' John   M Ricardo Waddington
Blue Chips RR K' Lennon   M Ricardo Waddington






Ch Djundgekkattens Imbue Ridged Isak 



Ch Umkimzulu Navaho Warrior AUST





Ch Beastar Chilean Willow AUST


Ch Mazengwenya Arakhan at Gunthwaite AUST






Ch Roodedraai Taka SA



Roodedraai Amakoti SA





Roodedraai Pampata SA

Ch Gunthwaite Kurumba UK







N'Kunde Kosta Kurt UK



Ch Gunthwaite Action Man UK





Gunthwaite Alicia UK


Ch Garrendee Ashani of Gunthwaite UK






Gunthwaite Avenger UK



Ch Gunthwaite Lusoso UK





Zakuli Shangari of Gunthwaite UK








Ch Kimani's the Standard Image US



Ch Kimani Blue Chip Image US





Ch Kimani's Tia Pajani US


Ch Illimani's Kickstart My Heart FM US






Ch Filmaker's Never Surrender US



Ch Illimani's Mpulanga Sabie US





Ch Illimani's Zuri Jinga US

Kengali's Maruba of Malawiquim US







Ch Kimani's Blue Chip Image US



Ch Ayerage Kimber Ayerage US





Firstline Sarabi 


Kengali's Storm of the Century US






Ch Quest's Go to the Distance US



Crestridge Follish Pleasure US





Filmaker's Storm Legacy US