English Version Color
The Colors of RR
When we talk about coat colors, we must know that this is a genetic issue, transmission factors. In addition to this, many other characteristics involve the breeding of dogs.
Color is a characteristic that we can influence, before puppies are conceived. For this, it is enough to choose the father and mother that present a certain color and, consequently, are carriers of genes that will give us the result we expect.
There are two types of melanin that are responsible for the colors that puppies and later adult dogs will have. You've probably heard of eumelanin and pheomelanin. If you have a dark, blackish, or brownish dog, it's probably eumelanin that prevails. If there is a dog that is lighter in color, cream, yellowish, tan or reddish, then it is the pheomelanin that prevails.
described in the official standard, covers wheat and wheat shades. This is almost a hallmark of the breed. This is due to the process of mimicry and natural selection. The animals that resembled the soil of the Savannah of Africa, where the breed was developed, survived the predators.
When we talk about coat colors, we must know that this is a genetic issue, transmission factors. In addition to this, many other characteristics involve the breeding of dogs.
Color is a characteristic that we can influence, before puppies are conceived. For this, it is enough to choose the father and mother that present a certain color and, consequently, are carriers of genes that will give us the result we expect.
There are two types of melanin that are responsible for the colors that puppies and later adult dogs will have. You've probably heard of eumelanin and pheomelanin. If you have a dark, blackish, or brownish dog, it's probably eumelanin that prevails. If there is a dog that is lighter in color, cream, yellowish, tan or reddish, then it is the pheomelanin that prevails.
described in the official standard, covers wheat and wheat shades. This is almost a hallmark of the breed. This is due to the process of mimicry and natural selection. The animals that resembled the soil of the Savannah of Africa, where the breed was developed, survived the predators.
color markings
Red Wheaten Brown Nose. Red Wheat with brown nose.
Red Wheaten Black Nose. Red Wheat with black nose.
Red Wheaten, Black Nose and Black Masck. Wheat Red with black nose and black mask.
Light Wheaten Brown Nose. Pale Wheat with brown nose.
Light Wheaten Black Nose. Pale wheat with black nose.
What is the color of wheat?
It can be said that the color of the wheat is the main characteristic that indicates that your Rhodesian Ridgeback dog is purebred. If there is any other predominant color in this dog, we are likely dealing with some sort of Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. Nothing against them, however, they should not participate in the reproduction process and show themselves in conformation shows.
Wheaten is derived from the noun that describes grains that have that specific light color. This is wheat – an essential grain from which we make bread. Therefore, an RR is the color of a wheat field.
A more accurate description of the Rhodesian Ridgeback's colors is the term agouti. He talks about coloring which is something like a genetic battle between black and light colors, a more precise agouti protein and melanocortin.
This particular trait is common to some animals such as wild cats, certain dogs eg Rhodesian Ridgebacks and Retrievers, wild rabbits, foxes and rodents.
Red Wheaten Brown Nose. Red Wheat with brown nose.
Red Wheaten Black Nose. Red Wheat with black nose.
Red Wheaten, Black Nose and Black Masck. Wheat Red with black nose and black mask.
Light Wheaten Brown Nose. Pale Wheat with brown nose.
Light Wheaten Black Nose. Pale wheat with black nose.
What is the color of wheat?
It can be said that the color of the wheat is the main characteristic that indicates that your Rhodesian Ridgeback dog is purebred. If there is any other predominant color in this dog, we are likely dealing with some sort of Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. Nothing against them, however, they should not participate in the reproduction process and show themselves in conformation shows.
Wheaten is derived from the noun that describes grains that have that specific light color. This is wheat – an essential grain from which we make bread. Therefore, an RR is the color of a wheat field.
A more accurate description of the Rhodesian Ridgeback's colors is the term agouti. He talks about coloring which is something like a genetic battle between black and light colors, a more precise agouti protein and melanocortin.
This particular trait is common to some animals such as wild cats, certain dogs eg Rhodesian Ridgebacks and Retrievers, wild rabbits, foxes and rodents.
And the nose color?
The Rhodesian Ridgeback's nose color is something else. It's usually black, and that's okay - it's within a pattern. This is where black is preferable within the race. Black masking and interference of black hair in the ears are also viable by the official standard. There is another color that can occur in the Rhodesian Ridgeback's nose, and that is a brown muzzle. It's a rare color when compared to black, but it's just as beautiful.
And the Markings?
There are some markings that are allowed. For example, a little white hair on the chest and toes absolutely within the pattern.
On the other hand, having white fur anywhere else is not acceptable.
Also the interference of black on the body is also not allowed, except on the muzzle or ears,
Some puppies, until the 5th or 6th month, may have black fur on their body, but usually when there is a change of coat, the color evolves to a very closed red.
There are cases where dogs seem to have something that looks like a collar. Shaped like the letter V. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by slightly darker ears, as well as darker tones on the head and tail. It can be considered as a lack.
Some people like the Rhodesian Ridgeback's unusual colors. Variations are good – but not in conformation shows. So if you want a purebred dog that thrives at shows, buying an RR in any color other than wheat is unacceptable.
Rhodesian Ridgeback non-standard colors
Rhodesian Ridgebacks albino are disqualified from competition. Let's see more non-standard RR colors.
The Rhodesian Ridgeback's nose color is something else. It's usually black, and that's okay - it's within a pattern. This is where black is preferable within the race. Black masking and interference of black hair in the ears are also viable by the official standard. There is another color that can occur in the Rhodesian Ridgeback's nose, and that is a brown muzzle. It's a rare color when compared to black, but it's just as beautiful.
And the Markings?
There are some markings that are allowed. For example, a little white hair on the chest and toes absolutely within the pattern.
On the other hand, having white fur anywhere else is not acceptable.
Also the interference of black on the body is also not allowed, except on the muzzle or ears,
Some puppies, until the 5th or 6th month, may have black fur on their body, but usually when there is a change of coat, the color evolves to a very closed red.
There are cases where dogs seem to have something that looks like a collar. Shaped like the letter V. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by slightly darker ears, as well as darker tones on the head and tail. It can be considered as a lack.
Some people like the Rhodesian Ridgeback's unusual colors. Variations are good – but not in conformation shows. So if you want a purebred dog that thrives at shows, buying an RR in any color other than wheat is unacceptable.
Rhodesian Ridgeback non-standard colors
Rhodesian Ridgebacks albino are disqualified from competition. Let's see more non-standard RR colors.
Black Rhodesian Ridgeback
A Black Rhodesian Ridgeback is a very rare sight in the dog world, although it is becoming more popular in the US. In short, it looks like the dog is black.
As you get closer, you can see that it's actually not all black. The hairs have light roots that cannot be seen from afar. And, there is excess black color behind the shoulders and neck.
Black And Tan Rhodesian ridgeback
What is black and brown? You can imagine an all black puppy that has some lighter parts in its coat. It's like some hairdresser put highlights in your hair.
A Black Rhodesian Ridgeback is a very rare sight in the dog world, although it is becoming more popular in the US. In short, it looks like the dog is black.
As you get closer, you can see that it's actually not all black. The hairs have light roots that cannot be seen from afar. And, there is excess black color behind the shoulders and neck.
Black And Tan Rhodesian ridgeback
What is black and brown? You can imagine an all black puppy that has some lighter parts in its coat. It's like some hairdresser put highlights in your hair.
Interestingly, in order to produce black and brown dogs, both parents must pass on the gene that carries a recessive trait. The odds for this are 25%, and both parents need to have this allele in the agouti gene.
Brindle or Brindle Rhodesian Ridgeback
What is brindle color? You have stripes in the combination of fawn and black, for example, then red and black, or isabella and grey. There's no mistake – isabella is a beautiful color that occurs in some dog breeds. For example, there is a German Shepherd Isabella.
This brindle color can be found in many dog breeds. For example, there are brindle Corgis, brindle Shih Tzus, brindle French Bulldogs, and so on. As there are brindle variations of Greyhounds and Great Danes, it is little wonder that this color variation can also occur in Rhodesian Ridgebacks, as these breeds participated in their formation.
There is not enough scientific information about how this color occurs, but it is believed that there is a recessive gene that transfers it.
Rhodesian Ridgeback Silver
Sometimes in a litter an almost silvery pup can occur. This combination is easier to recognize in puppies. During this time, it is more emphasized. Later, as the puppy grows older, this gray begins to pale into a color that can be described as the color of a paper bag.
What happens here is that the dog carries a gene for color dilution. And there is another characteristic that goes along with this one – this dog's eyes are light colored. They are blue or amber.
This is a phenomenon that has a genetic background, and research has been done to prove it. You can also test your dog to see if he has this gene.
Oh, and one more thing – this breed's nose is gray, not black or brown as is the standard. Therefore, there are 3 associated faults: coat color, nose color and eye color.
Brindle or Brindle Rhodesian Ridgeback
What is brindle color? You have stripes in the combination of fawn and black, for example, then red and black, or isabella and grey. There's no mistake – isabella is a beautiful color that occurs in some dog breeds. For example, there is a German Shepherd Isabella.
This brindle color can be found in many dog breeds. For example, there are brindle Corgis, brindle Shih Tzus, brindle French Bulldogs, and so on. As there are brindle variations of Greyhounds and Great Danes, it is little wonder that this color variation can also occur in Rhodesian Ridgebacks, as these breeds participated in their formation.
There is not enough scientific information about how this color occurs, but it is believed that there is a recessive gene that transfers it.
Rhodesian Ridgeback Silver
Sometimes in a litter an almost silvery pup can occur. This combination is easier to recognize in puppies. During this time, it is more emphasized. Later, as the puppy grows older, this gray begins to pale into a color that can be described as the color of a paper bag.
What happens here is that the dog carries a gene for color dilution. And there is another characteristic that goes along with this one – this dog's eyes are light colored. They are blue or amber.
This is a phenomenon that has a genetic background, and research has been done to prove it. You can also test your dog to see if he has this gene.
Oh, and one more thing – this breed's nose is gray, not black or brown as is the standard. Therefore, there are 3 associated faults: coat color, nose color and eye color.